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Ep #326: When More Knowledge Doesn’t Equate to Weight Loss

Ep #326: When More Knowledge Doesn’t Equate to Weight Loss

Do you sometimes feel like no matter how much you learn, nothing changes? Maybe more knowledge isn’t what you need. In this episode, we’re exploring what we think we need vs. what we actually need when it comes to acquiring and applying knowledge. Whether you realize...
Ep #325: How Spiraling Is Okay, Normal, and Expected

Ep #325: How Spiraling Is Okay, Normal, and Expected

Let’s talk about spiraling. You’ve probably heard of spiraling before, and you’ve probably felt it. Who hasn’t? But in this episode, I’m interested in reframing the way we think about spiraling. We all experience highs and lows in life and I think we all know that...
Ep #324: Is Peace and Freedom Around Food Just Magical Thinking?

Ep #324: Is Peace and Freedom Around Food Just Magical Thinking?

Do you think that creating peace and freedom around food is magical thinking? I think before we can answer that question, we have to explore what magical thinking actually is and whether it’s good or bad. In this episode, I’m taking a deep dive into magical thinking...
Ep #323: Making Time to Create Peace and Freedom Around Food

Ep #323: Making Time to Create Peace and Freedom Around Food

If you’re already feeling behind, pressed for time, and like there are never enough hours in the day, how do you make time to create peace and freedom around food? For a lot of us, this is the million-dollar question. Our thoughts and past experiences lead us to...
Ep #322: Intuitive Eating vs. Coaching

Ep #322: Intuitive Eating vs. Coaching

Have you ever wondered if my approach to coaching is the same as intuitive eating? This has come up a few times with my clients, so I thought it might be helpful to break down what intuitive eating is and how it compares to coaching. There are a lot of amazing...