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Would you believe that when I take vacations, I try to LOSE weight? It’s true. It is so easy to go overboard when we're traveling, so we have to double down on establishing the right mindset. The key to sticking to our goals and feeling good about what we’ve eaten is going into the trip with a plan.

Whether we're on a vacation or it’s a regular work day, we're always busy. Doctors invest so much energy into delivering quality care to patients that it can be hard to care for ourselves. Instead of being a martyr, wallowing in dread and self-pity, you need to check in with your attitude and change the energy you bring to your day.

It's hard work to rewire your brain and teach yourself a new attitude. Old habits die hard and diligence is the only effective recipe. In this episode, I'll teach you how I’ve gone about reframing busyness and how to build a mindset for accomplishment.
At the end of the day, feeling busy is an indulgent emotion. Stop using “busy” as a badge of honor and reassess.

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In Today's Episode, You'll Learn:

  • How to maintain good eating habits while traveling
  • Ways to manage your sanity while staying busy
  • Tips for managing stress day-to-day
  • How to practice proper self-talk and embrace challenges
  • A step-by-step process for reframing busyness
  • A new definition for busyness that will support your life and goals

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