Does permanent weight loss really exist? For many, they hold a belief that sustained weight loss is not possible, resulting in frustration and lots of time and money wasted trying all the new diet trends. In this episode, I’m breaking down this conviction so you can start to believe that permanent weight loss is possible for you, and get off the weight loss hamster wheel once and for all.

Listen in as I discuss why awareness is the first step to overcoming the belief that permanent weight loss is not possible, and share all the ways that this belief can actually keep you stuck. I also talk about the importance of learning how to emotionally and mentally support yourself so you can not only lose weight, but also live a happier and more fulfilled life.

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In Today’s Episode, You’ll Learn:

  • Why you might not believe that weight loss is permanent
  • The ways in which this belief can keep you stuck
  • How to overcome your belief that weight loss is not permanent
  • The key to shifting your mindset to achieve permanent weight loss

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Katrina Ubell: Hello there, my friend, welcome back to the podcast. And if you're new, I'm  so glad you're here today, what a great podcast to start with. 

I am freezing cold right now. Before I picked up my microphone to start  recording this, I just added another layer. I was so cold a little bit ago, so I  put on like a thick, warm cardigan and socks, and I'm still freezing. And so, I'm literally wrapped up like a baby in a blanket. I'm a little burrito over here. 

I don't know, it's just a really, really rainy day today. It's kind of gray, which  I've mentioned several times on this podcast before that I do actually love a  rainy day, but it's just kind of chilly. It's just like that cold, wet, in your bones  kind of cold. 

I was actually, when I was grabbing that sweater, I looked out the window  and noticed that all my garbage cans have the lids open and are being  filled with water because it's raining. And when I say all my garbage cans,  let me just mention that I have one garbage can and two recycling bins,  and they're actually provided by the city.

And so, they have like a hinged lid and we just put them out on garbage  day out by the street. And then the truck comes by and it's like this … I  don't know, I think the driver has some sort of like joystick or something to  drive the — I don't know what those are; the claw. It reminds me of toy  story — the claw. 

The claw comes and grabs it, tips it up, dumps it out, puts it back down  again. And more often than not as it does that, the lid stays open. And on a  day like today, it's just collecting rain. It might as well just be also doubling  up as a rain barrel for me. 

So, now, I'm like, “Hmm, should I do something about that? Should I see if  somebody else in the family notices?” Do you ever do that where you're  like, “I'm just going to pretend like I didn't know that that happened, maybe  somebody else can check.” 

Anyway, I'm human too, I'm telling you. I don't want to go out there and  deal with it. So, that's what I've got going on here today. 

Now, listen, before we start talking about permanent weight loss and  believing in that possibility, I wanted to just let you know that my book, How  to Lose Weight for the Last Time: Brain-Based Solutions for Permanent  Weight Loss is available for pre-order right now. 

So, the release date, the day it'll be published, the day that if you pre-order  it, it should be showing up in your mailbox is September 20th, but that's  actually really close. That's going to be here before you know it. And I just  am super proud of this book. I think it is such a great culmination of what I  stand for and what I recommend in order to lose weight for the last time.  And I know you're not going to want to miss out on it, plus it's just pretty. 

So, even if you just want to see what the cover looks like, head on over to You can see the cover and there's actually  options of retailers to purchase from because some people are super into  the typical Amazon or Barnes & Noble, and others like to support their local  bookshops, and we have links for you for all of those. 

So, have a look for sure. And of course, if you know anybody who you think  could benefit from this book, then please go ahead and share it with them  as well. We often know people who are struggling with their weight in their  lives.

And I'm not going to just minimize the idea that you typically wouldn't want  to just go up to somebody that you've never had a conversation regarding  this subject with and be like, “Hey, I have a book for you. It's called How to  Lose Weight for the Last Time.” 

That might not be very well-accepted. So, maybe we don't do that. But if  there's someone in your life where you know it's something that you've  discussed with them or it's something that they're working on or that they've  struggled with, then you might want to buy them a book or just let them  know that it's available and see if they might be interested. 

So, once again,

Alright, let's talk about believing in permanent weight loss. 

So, this topic was inspired by another podcast, a different podcast that I  very kind of randomly ended up finding this podcast. I was listening to  another podcast, and then the host of that show was recommending this  podcast. And so, I just thought, oh, interesting. Like I wonder what that's all  about. 

So, I started listening to a few of the episodes and I noticed something  immediately that I thought was really, really interesting. And it definitely  made me immediately inspired to do a podcast episode on it because I  think this is something that's like a real issue. And if you're not aware of it,  you could fall into doing the exact same thing as this person. 

So, first of all, I'm just going to say everyone's on their own path or own  journey. I'm not going to say that one way is better than another way. It's  just something that I've really noticed and something that I think is  important to be aware of. And it's something for each individual person to  decide on their own, how they want to approach it. But I think that pointing  it out, awareness is always going to be the best first thing. 

So, I was listening to this podcast and the host was describing how he had  basically always kind of struggled with his weight, even as a younger child  and his whole story. It actually kind of broke my heart with how certain  things were handled in terms of his doctors and things like that. 

Sounds like he was really pretty much a healthy kid, but back in the day  when he was growing up, children tended to be thinner than they are now. And so, he was immediately at a quite young age, put on a restrictive diet  and that just led into him struggling with his weight his whole life. So, that, I  have lots to say about, basically, all my other episodes about how we move  through that. 

But what he was describing was his whole story and I noticed like the  throughline was that he basically, his whole life, just moved from diet to diet  and fitness goal to fitness goal, and then had periods of gaining a bunch of  the weight back. And then getting back on track again, losing the weight,  diet to diet, trying all the different things, fitness goal to fitness goal, and  then gaining the weight back again. 

And it was just this pattern, this cycle that I think at least on some levels so  many of us resonate with. I think the level of fluctuations that he dealt with  are more so than what I personally have dealt with, but I still identified with  that. 

It was like, “Ah, I just want some relief, what's the latest thing? Someone  must have figured out a better mouse trap. Like what is the way to hack the  body so that I can get this weight off,” and trying all these different things  because I used to do it all too. 

And the fitness goals too, can be a way to kind of be like, “Well, okay,  maybe I won't focus so much on the food anymore. Now, I'll focus on  training for some sort of run or some sort of triathlon or some sort of other  physical event.” 

I've actually had several people either email me who are podcast listeners  or people in real life tell me, “Hey, you know what, like my big goal is to be  able to compete in a fitness competition.” So, like the bikini competition for  women or some of the other, I don't even know what the terms are for all  that stuff — but you know what I'm talking about. 

And when I hear that, I kind of don't want to take the wind out of the sails,  I'm like, “Okay, great. Yeah, go for it.” But what I know from talking to many  people who've been in that world is that there are so many people in that  community who have extremely disordered eating and have a real  significant problem, let's just say with food and their weight and that's not  necessarily always the best goal. That can really actually make things worse.

So, what I noticed though with the throughline was a need and a desire to  find novelty. And I think so many of us can relate with this. Like what's the  latest thing, what's the new way of doing things, what's the new thing to  count, what's the new thing to remove from your diet? You know, what's the  new percentages of how you should be eating things? 

And it got me really thinking that I don't believe that this host actually  believes himself that permanent weight loss is a possibility, that it really could exist. And in his defense, why would he, when his entire life, many,  many decades have been just gaining weight, losing weight, gaining  weight, losing weight. 

But it's evident when you don't believe that permanent weight loss is  possible because there's so much tied up in moving diet to diet, fitness goal  to fitness goal. Just kind of almost like it's like a treading water kind of  energy. 

It's kind of like, “Well, I'm just going to try to maintain this as much as I can  until that all falls apart. And then I'll pick up the next thing and then I'll try  that until that falls apart. And then I'll start working out for this thing until I  can't do that anymore or my body breaks down or I don't have time for it  anymore” or whatever that is, and just moving from thing to thing to thing.  Even the point of this podcast is to talk to experts, to try to find out new  more things. 

Now, I'm not saying that that's a bad thing, and that's very well, could be  amazing and getting more information out there is always going to be great  for people. But I think that the result of believing that weight loss could be  permanent is different than when you're attempting weight loss without that  belief. When you believe that weight loss could be permanent, the result of  this belief — remember your beliefs are your thoughts, they create your  feelings, which drive your actions, which create your results. 

So, when you believe that weight loss could be permanent, the result of this  belief is that you're much more likely to create permanent weight loss. If  you don't believe that weight loss really could be permanent or it's not  possible for you for it to be permanent, or you think that it's very unusual for  it to be permanent, or only small percentage of people are able to create  permanent weight loss — then the result of that belief is that it's going to be  so much harder for you to create permanent weight loss.

So, when you don't believe, at least on some level that permanent weight  loss is possible, then you get sucked into these fads. You get sucked into  always trying something new. And I was thinking about it. It's like we talk about food as entertainment. You know, we think about food and it  entertains us and we talk about food and we watch food-related shows, and  we are listening to food-related podcasts and reading books about it and all  of that. 

So, it's like food entertainment when there are other ways to entertain  yourself besides food. You don't need to ask food to do that. It's like weight  loss entertainment or like fitness entertainment, where these people are  like constantly watching videos and reading books about this and listening  to podcasts about weight loss. 

Not that some of it isn't supportive, but it's like they're almost entertaining  themselves through weight loss rather than actually solving the problem  that creates the extra weight in the first place. And thereby, finding some  stability in your weight and your eating and maintaining that weight loss versus continuing the cycle right of food and weight and weight loss  obsession. 

So, if you think that weight loss, if you believe that weight loss can be  permanent, you're much more likely to find that stability and to do the work  to solve the actual core problem that created the weight in the first place. 

When you don't believe that weight loss could be permanent, you're much  more likely to be in that cycle of food — weight, weight loss obsession — gaining weight — losing weight — trying the latest thing — what's the new  book, what's the new whatever … of course, my book is different. It actually  is, but you could be like, “How is your book any different? It's just another  one.” 

Well, because we're opting out of all of that. That's how it's different. It's  called How to Lose Weight for the Last Time. We want to actually solve the  real problem. 

So, the thing is that I think that most people just are not aware that you  really could solve the problem, that there actually could be something  deeper to work through that would solve the problem rather than just going  like, “Well, I just need to really figure out the latest hack or the latest biohack on whatever. And like if I'm drinking exogenous ketones, like that's going to be the thing.” 

And here's the thing, whoever wants to do that is welcomed to do that. If  that's working for them and they love doing it for the rest of their lives, then  amazing, go ahead and do that. I still think the emphasis is on the wrong  thing. 

Or maybe if it's like if you like the 80/20 rule, like maybe they're  emphasizing 80% of their time on the food and weight loss and all the  exercise and all that, and maybe only 20% on actually solving what the real  problem is. 

I suggest that you flip it the other way, where you only need to spend about  20% of the effort on getting your food straightened out and supporting your  body, then you start losing weight. What you should be doing is spending  the 80% on really figuring out what's going on for you. Like what is the  problem that food is solving? Let's actually solve the problem for good so  that we can move on. 

So, when you're stuck in this cycle of food and weight and weight loss  obsession, what this keeps you from doing is that real work that is  necessary. And what that real work is, is reducing your desire for food so  that the amount of desire you have, how much you want food is appropriate  for how much food your body needs. 

Excess desire, over desire means wanting food more than is appropriate  for how much food your body needs. So, I don't care what hack or diet  you're on, like it's not going to get solved by changing up what you eat or  counting or measuring something. This is specific work that you have to do  that's thought-based. 

So, we need to reduce our desire to an appropriate level. We need to learn  to listen to our body's signals. What I find with so many of these different fat  diets and programs and this and that, it has nothing to do with what your  body is actually telling you. It has everything to do with what the plan de  jure is telling you to do. 

I mean, sometimes it's a little personalized based on maybe your gender or  your height or what weight you're starting out at, but then it's just like this is how much food you get and it should be in these proportions. And we  recommend eating this and not eating that, and all these different things. 

And I just argue that the first thing we need to do is reconnect to our actual  bodies. I mean, literally just think about it from a logic standpoint. I think this  is like the Midwesterner in me combined with having German parents. Like  there's just this practicality to me that I just cannot escape from. 

Like just think about humans being in existence in our current form for  200,000 years. The absolute vast majority of the time, the majority of  people did not struggle with a weight issue. They listened to their body's  signals at least to a certain extent. 

Maybe we would argue that, okay, well, when food was really scarce, when  food was around, maybe you did overeat and maybe that's why we do have  the ability to overeat. So, you could pack on a little extra weight to make it  through the winter. We could argue with that. 

But once we really figured out basically, like agriculture, and we could  consistently create our own food, for the most part, there was not really a  benefit to overeating. If you ate more of the food stores now, you'd have  less later. That was actually a bad thing. That would harm you or the  people you love or cared about in the future. 

So, listening to your body's signals, learning how to reconnect and possibly  also eating in a way so that your brain isn't hijacked and your body isn't  hijacked hormonally, so that you actually can get the message through loud  and clear rather than totally like muddled and indecipherable, which is the  way it is when we're eating certain foods — basically, if you're like, “Well,  like what? Like flour and sugar?” 

And I'm not saying you can't have those for the rest of your life, I'm just  saying when you first are learning how to reconnect with your body's  signals, really, really helps to take a break from that because it makes the  signals so much clearer, so much more obvious. 

Do you need to eat right now? Are you actually hungry? Like how do you  know? What does physical hunger feel like? What does actual satiety feel  like in your body? Not stopping eating because the food is gone or because  your eyeballs tell you that that's the right amount or because you weighed  and measured, and that person said it was the right amount.

Not stopping even though you aren't satisfied because this diet plan said  you shouldn't get to eat more food, which only puts you into the thought  process of like this is restrictive and only ends up driving overeating in the long run. 

So, what is the real work? We need to reduce our desire to an appropriate.  Number two, is we need to listen to our body's signals. Jumping from diet  plan to diet plan and fitness goal to fitness goal is not going to teach you that. 

And the third thing you have to learn how to do is process your actual  emotions. And depending on your life story, there might be some actual  trauma work that needs to be done as well. And that's something that I'm  going to be discussing in a podcast in the future here, so I won't touch on it  too much more. 

But learning how to actually emotionally support yourself so that you are  not requiring food to do that for you is so, so, so important. I mean, this is  what I talk about all the time. This is what I teach my clients on Weight Loss  for Doctors Only. This is what we do all the time. You have to learn how to  do this, how to actually process what's going on for you in your life and not  relying on food or alcohol to do it for you. 

So, I think ultimately, what it comes down to with believing in permanent  weight loss is if you believe in permanent weight loss, you go find what  works for you, do that ongoing. Something that works for you, that you're  willing to do and happy to do for the rest of your life. Do that ongoing, and  then move on with your life onto other things. 

When you don't believe in permanent weight loss, which is the commonly  held belief, then you believe you have to keep trying new things. You have  to have your finger on the pulse of the diet industry, and what's the latest  thing, and what's the latest fitness trend, and I've got to try all those things  out. 

You absolutely can try all those things out, but not hopefully, from the place  of, it's not possible to lose weight permanently, so I have to keep doing  these things, or I'm going to end up gaining the weight back. 

So, for sure, the latest, whatever, new fun thing happens, you want to try it  out just because you want to try it out, amazing. But you think you have to do it or it's not going to be possible for you to keep the weight off, now, we  have some problems. 

So, how do you believe something new? Well, that is something that I'm  going to teach you in the book, How to Lose Weight for the Last Time. So,  of course, in my program too, I teach you how to do that. But you definitely  are going to want to pre-order How to Lose Weight for the Last Time  because I teach you specifically how to change your beliefs. 

If you don't think that permanent weight loss is possible, if you do not  believe it's possible, we have to change that belief. And in the book, I'll  teach you exactly how to do that. 

So, to pre-order the book, go to and pick  whichever retailer you like to support and grab your copy of that book.  When it arrives on your doorstep on September 20th, you're going to be so  excited. So fun, so fun to have that available to you. 

Well, I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day. I am starting to warm  up and it's making me very happy. So, I hope you have a great rest of your  day. Thank you so much for being here. If you think that this episode could  possibly help somebody that you know or love, feel free to share it with  them. And I can't wait to talk to you next time. Take care and have a great  day.