Hey friend,
I’m Katrina Ubell, MD

I’m a pediatrician-turned-weight loss coach who helps women-identifying physicians like you lose weight for the last time and find peace and freedom around food.

A decade ago, I found myself beyond frustrated that I kept gaining and losing the same 40 lbs again and again…and again.

Katrina Ubell, MD, smiling and sitting at a table

I had a million excuses for why I just couldn’t lose weight permanently.

I went straight from college (Johns Hopkins, B.S. in Biomedical Engineering) to med school (University of Michigan) to residency (Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin).

Then I worked for over 10 years as a general pediatrician in a very successful and very busy private practice.

I kept thinking that life would get easier and slow down “soon” but it only got crazier!

And as I approached 40, I was losing motivation to prioritize my health.

Then I discovered life coaching. It was different from anything I ever learned at a Weight Watchers meeting or from working with a nutritionist.

I learned that the reason willpower doesn’t work is because the conscious and subconscious thoughts we have about ourselves and our weight are working in direct opposition to our weight loss goals. And straight up, the brain wins every time!

I hired a coach to help me work through the thoughts and feelings that were holding me back from achieving my weight loss goals. The results have been nothing short of life changing!

Now I’m a Master Certified life and weight loss coach who has helped over a thousand female physicians lose weight for the last time through my six-month group coaching program.

My approach to weight loss is…


You don’t have to suffer or hate yourself into losing weight. It’s possible to do this work with love, taking excellent care of yourself all along the way.

Doctor sitting at her desk smiling at laptop computer


My process works with the idiosyncrasies of life as a doctor. It’s individually customized and adaptable to work realistically alongside your busy schedule.


Weight loss doesn’t have to be so hard and stressful. We can actually have fun together as my team and I show you the way!

How to work with me

I love coaching doctors who are open to non-traditional wellness strategies. You’re smart and high-achieving and give every piece of yourself to your patients. You’re a critical thinker who wants to know the why, not just the how. You’ve dedicated your life to caring for others and now it’s time for me to help you learn to care for YOU!

I understand better than anyone else what it’s like to be a doctor – the demands, the lack of sleep, the expectations, all of it!

Ready to Learn More?

If you’re a female-identifying MD or DO physician, you qualify for my 6-month coaching program, Weight Loss for Doctors Only. Reserve your spot now!

Not a Doctor?

I can still help you!

Read How to Lose Weight for the Last Time: Brain-Based Solutions for Permanent Weight Loss to learn the concepts I’ve been teaching my clients for years.

Buy the Book

How to Lose Weight for the Last Time

Brain-Based Solutions for Permanent Weight Loss

Learn my proven process for weight loss in my new book, How to Lose Weight for the Last Time.

It’s a practical, compassionate, and realistic approach to weight loss and peace and freedom around food. Learn science-backed advice, plus practical tools to manage thoughts, habits, and emotions around food.