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Food as Entertainment

Food as Entertainment

For most of my adult life, I fancied myself as a foodie. I lived for amazing meals at highly rated restaurants, I loved wine (especially sparkling wine), and dreamed about eating my way through Europe someday. I pretty much only watched food-related shows on TV (and I...
Why you should keep a Food Journal

Why you should keep a Food Journal

I have a history of having a love/hate relationship with food journals. In my Weight Watchers days, I had no problem keeping track of what I ate and assigning the appropriate points. At first this was on little paper booklets that they supplied and then later, on the...
Sensations vs. Feelings

Sensations vs. Feelings

Hi everyone! In this post, I want to teach you the difference between feelings and sensations. It’s really important to understand the distinction between the two when you are trying to understand why you overeat. Sensations: A sensation is a message sent from your...
Hunger Scale, Part 2

Hunger Scale, Part 2

Welcome back for part 2 of my 2-part series about the hunger scale! To review my first blog post about the hunger scale, click here. So now that you know what the hunger scale is, I want to show you how to apply it to your eating habits so that you can start losing...
Hunger Scale, Part 1

Hunger Scale, Part 1

Welcome back, everyone! I’m so glad that you’re here and ready to learn! I can’t wait to get started with all of you. The first concept I want to introduce to you is the Hunger Scale. This is the first in a 2-part series about the hunger scale. There are many...


Hello everyone! Let me start by introducing myself. My name is Katrina Ubell, MD. I’m a pediatrician who retired from my successful private practice to become a certified life and weight loss coach for other women physicians. When I was first exposed to life coaching...