My topic for this episode, decluttering, might seem unrelated to weight loss at first. But I know that when I was on my own weight loss journey, I realized that the overabundance of stuff at my house was stressing me out and pushing me to overeat.

Our brains are hard-wired to seek pleasure, which isn't a bad thing in itself. What trips us up is that many of us seek short-term pleasure in things like food or clothes, especially when we're feeling upset or dissatisfied with our lives. But, just as with food, buying more shoes, home decor, or toys for our kids isn't going to truly make us feel any better.

Physicians are in a unique situation here. By the time we finish school and are making a good salary, it might feel like we need to “catch up” with our peers – so we buy the big house and the nice clothes just because we can (or think we have to). But you can decide against this – and for those of us seeking weight loss, decluttering our space and building a bit more calmness into our daily lives can be a huge help as we complete the psychological part of our journey.

Have a decluttering story or method that works particularly well for you? Comment below and tell us all about it!

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In Today's Episode, You'll Learn:

  • A little introduction about coffee and caffeine and their possible effects on your body
  • How owning too much stuff – clothes, decor, you name it – can directly affect our weight
  • Why the phrase “retail therapy” is so misleading
  • How physicians often spend their money when they finally start making a good salary
  • Why we keep items that are almost wearable – a little too small, too worn out, etc. – and how to ditch them for good
  • The net positive pleasure you get from decluttering, saving money, and only buying things you really love – versus the net zero pleasure of bringing things into your life without intention

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