Why Do We Overeat?

Why Do We Overeat?

I used to think that my main problem with my weight was that I just liked food. I really didn't think it was any more complicated than that! “If I could just like food less,” I would think, “then losing weight and maintaining it would be so much...
How to Manage Negative Emotions

How to Manage Negative Emotions

Negative emotions are definitely part of the human experience. I've never known any single person who's only felt positive emotions throughout their entire lives. Have you? Some negative emotions are welcome. One example of that is grief. If someone very close to us...
How Do You Want To Feel?

How Do You Want To Feel?

When I used to work in private practice, there were many days in the office where I just had a general feeling of discontent. Nothing seemed right. The staff were at each other's throats, the patients were needy, and I had way too many phone calls to do before I could...
Circumstances vs. Thoughts

Circumstances vs. Thoughts

Last week I wrote about taking on the role of the “watcher” or “observer” of your thoughts. You need to know what’s going on inside your brain before you can make any changes! If you have any questions about how to do this or are struggling with the concept, please...
Discovering Why You Overeat

Discovering Why You Overeat

Hello everyone! Welcome back! Once I realized I was an emotional eater, I wanted to know WHY I was eating when my body didn't need fuel. This was not as simple to discover as it might seem from the outside. I had thoughts like, “Well just pay attention! Why do...
Are You an Emotional Eater?

Are You an Emotional Eater?

For many years, when I heard someone talking about “emotional eating,” my brain kind of turned off. I really didn't think that label applied to me at all. I just really like food, I told myself. When I thought of emotional eaters, I thought of horribly...