Ep #394: Empty Nesting and Other Big, Positive Life Changes

Ep #394: Empty Nesting and Other Big, Positive Life Changes

Do you have a child leaving home in the next few months or another big life change on the horizon? Are you wondering how you’re going to get through it emotionally? In this episode of Weight Loss for Busy Physicians, I’m sharing my own experience of sending my first...
Ep #393: Overcoming the Fear of Food Spoilage

Ep #393: Overcoming the Fear of Food Spoilage

Does food spoilage ever interfere with your food plan? Unfortunately, food spoilage is a normal part of life. We all have to deal with it sometimes and throw away food that we didn’t get around to eating. However, if food spoilage is harming your relationship with...
Ep #392: Dealing with Unpredictable or Erratic Schedules While Losing Weight

Ep #392: Dealing with Unpredictable or Erratic Schedules While Losing Weight

Do you deal with a lot of unpredictability in your work schedule as a doctor? Do you find that interferes with your eating habits and weight-loss goals? You’re not alone. Many doctors have to navigate being on call, working rotating shifts, or not knowing when they’re...
Ep #391: Weight Loss Success Story – Lindsey C. Thomas, MD

Ep #391: Weight Loss Success Story – Lindsey C. Thomas, MD

It’s been a while since our last client success story episode; I figured it was about time you heard from someone besides me! Allow me to introduce you to Lindsey C. Thomas, MD. In this episode of Weight Loss for Busy Physicians, Lindsey is sharing her weight loss...
Ep #390: Enjoy Summer Holidays Without Overeating

Ep #390: Enjoy Summer Holidays Without Overeating

Do you find that the summer holidays affect your relationship with food? There are a lot of traditions centered around food in the summertime. July 4th cookouts, ice cream in the evenings, cocktails and snacks on the porch. The list goes on. There’s even an...
Ep #389: Does Weight Loss Equal Skinny Fat? Let’s Talk Body Composition

Ep #389: Does Weight Loss Equal Skinny Fat? Let’s Talk Body Composition

Does weight loss make you skinny fat? It’s a common experience to reach your goal weight only to be bombarded with messages and feelings about even more things that are supposedly wrong with your body. One of those things is the possibility of being skinny fat.  What...